Meet Pollify: The First 100% Gutenberg-powered Poll Plugin for WordPress

Introducing Pollify– the first ever 100% Gutenberg-powered poll plugin in the WordPress ecosystem.

Polls and surveys help easily generate valuable feedback from your audience. By creating a poll with specific questions on your posts or pages, you can find out if the customers like your products/services or other issues you want to address.

Moreover, there are lots of instances where you need a poll/online voting solution-

  • Idea generation: Ask your audience which features to add to your upcoming product or which topic to write on for your next newsletters.
  • Product development: You can make a list of challenges or goals and ask users to vote for those they relate to most.
  • Audience feedback: If you run a course business, you can ask audiences how they liked a specific course or class.
  • User engagement: Polls allow visitors to share their thoughts and ideas, making them feel valued and contributing to a better user experience on your site.
  • Gather Leads: You can capture leads and make your email list stronger.

Let’s run a live test here with the Pollify plugin!

Do you agree that a Poll plugin has the above use cases?

If you agree that a poll or online voting app has the above-mentioned use cases then choose the option "Yes". Otherwise, choose "No".

Yes, our poll maker plugin does just that! You can create any type of poll, survey, or online voting all within your Gutenberg editor, with no shortcode!

In this write-up, we will dive deep and learn about the features and functionalities of the Pollify plugin and how it helps you add a poll system to your WordPress website.

Let’s get started!

Pollify: First 100% Gutenberg-powered Poll Maker Plugin for WordPress

Pollify is a powerful WordPress poll creation and survey-making plugin, fully integrated with the Gutenberg. You can design, schedule, and customize polls and add them anywhere on your site without shortcodes. With advanced analytics, multilingual support, and premium features, Pollify provides everything you need to create, manage, and analyze polls seamlessly on your WordPress site.

You know that Gutenberg has been a revolution in the WordPress industry since the beginning. With every WordPress release, Gutenberg has been getting remarkable updates and functionalities. It’s getting better and more powerful day by day. You can now use blocks to design your own theme and website page. All types of plugins were/are introducing Gutenberg blocks to use their feature.

Unfortunately, no poll plugins used Gutenberg blocks to add poll questions easily to any webpage. We’re bringing this capability for the first time with Pollify. You can add polls and surveys directly into your Gutenberg editor using our poll maker plugin.

Let’s take a quick look into Pollify features-

  • Gutenberg Integration
  • Multivote Functionality
  • Scheduled Polls
  • Anonymous Polls
  • Real-time Results
  • Customization Options
  • Advanced Analytics
  • Multilingual Support
  • User-Friendly Admin Dashboard
  • Chart Visualization
  • IP Address Tracking
  • Vote Reason Option

Now let us explore some of its features in detail.

Pollify Plugin Core Features at a Glance

pollify plugin feature overview

Create Poll and Set Questions Right from Gutenberg Editor

As we said earlier, you can add poll and set questions using the Gutenberg block allowing you to add poll/survey questions to any post or page. You will find the block in the Gutenberg editor named “Poll” to add poll questions.

This is a screenshot of choosing  poll block in wordpress post

Just click the “+” button in the post/page to find the Poll block you are looking for. We will discuss this in detail in the later section of this post.

You can create unlimited polls or set questions using this free plugin.

Poll Customization to Make It More Attractive

You can add different customization options to your poll questions using the Pollify poll maker plugin. In the advanced section right-hand side of the menu, you will find the styling options.

You can add titles and descriptions to your polls. Also, you can customize the vote button to say whatever you like.

This is a screenshot of poll customization

Moreover, you can choose the color of the poll closing button. Along with that, you can set the

  • Padding
  • Dimension
  • Border
  • Submission button colors

to make your poll stand out.

Multivote System & Single Vote Limitation

If you have a poll question that needs a user to choose multiple options, then you can do that with the Pollify poll creator plugin. This way you can get more specified feedback from the users.

This is a screenshot of pollify multivote option

Also, you can limit the user to choose one option only. It will ensure that you get accurate results from your poll/survey. Just choose the “Allowed one response per computer” option from the right-hand side menu.

This is a screenshot of pollify settings

Poll Scheduling Option

You can schedule the posts to end at a specific date and time. This will help you survey in your own time and not worry about closing the pole in a specific time.

This is a screenshot of pollify general settings

Also, you can set what message you want to show after closing the pole as well. You can hide the poll, show the poll result, or show a customized message to the users.

Front-End Result Display

If you want to show the results of the poll with sorting options, avatars, and individualized messages for enhanced engagement.

This is a screenshot of poll results in the front page

Anonymous Polls

You can collect anonymous polls, ensuring participant privacy by collecting minimal data, compliant with GDPR.

User-Friendly Admin Dashboard

For the admin, Pollify has a very user-friendly admin dashboard. Admin can view-

  • Results
  • Recent Votes
  • Complete votes list
  • Popular location
  • Ip Overviews
  • Ip Details
This is a screenshot of poll result overview

This dashboard will help the admin make informed decisions quite easily because the data is very organized and it is easy to understand.

So, these are the free features of the Pollify plugin.

Upcoming Free and Pro Features of the Polliy Plugin

The Pollify plugin is still new and there are plenty of features in the pipeline. Let’s give you an idea of what kind of features you can expect shortly-

  • VS Type of Poll (Versus): Enables the creation of polls comparing options side by side
  • User Information Form: Incorporates a form to gather user details alongside poll participation.
  • Extra 5 Themes or Patterns: It will provide additional visual themes for enhancing poll appearance and engagement.
  • Voted User Location: It displays the geographical location of users who have voted in the poll.
  • Import/Export Polls: It will help in Importing and exporting poll configurations for easy sharing or backup.
  • Send mail to a user: It is integrated with email services
  • Leaderboard Option
  • Export Results to CSV: It allows exporting poll data into CSV format for further analysis or reporting.
  • Vote by user and role
  • Results with Charts: It presents poll results graphically, offering visual insights for easier interpretation.
  • Email campaign using email sending platform

Types of Polls You Can Create With Pollify Poll Maker Plugin

You will be able to create 7 types of polls (but not limited to) using the Pollify poll plugin-

  • Choosing: Add multiple options for users to choose from, with the option to allow custom entries
  • Dropdown: Present users with a dropdown menu of options for selection. (Upcoming)
  • Up and Down vote: Enable users to vote using like/dislike or emojis, providing quick feedback on products or content. (Upcoming)
  • Rating: Create rating forms, utilizing stars or emojis, to gauge user opinions on products or topics. (Upcoming pro feature)
  • NPS: Allow users to select answers within a 1-10 range. (Upcoming pro feature)
  • VS: Facilitate competition between two options, such as products or individuals, with stylish versus voting formats. (Upcoming pro feature)
  • Feedback: Solicit detailed responses from participants, allowing them to provide comprehensive answers using short text or paragraphs. (Upcoming pro feature)

Keep an eye on our website to see the new release.

Now, let’s see a short tutorial on how to create a poll using the Pollify plugin.

How to Create a Poll on WordPress using the Pollify Poll Maker Plugin

So, you have learned about the Pollify plugin and its features. You are curious to know how it works right?

Step 1: Install the Pollify Poll Maker Plugin

First, you need to install the plugin from your dashboard. Or you can download the plugin from the site and upload the plugin separately to your WordPress website.

To install the plugin, go to WP-Admin–> Plugins–> Add New. There type “Pollify” in the search box. Then install and activate the plugin.

This is a screenshot of installing pollify poll maker plugin

Step 2: Create a New Page or Post to Create a Poll Question

Now open a page or post from Posts–> Add New. Then in the post, click on the “+” button and write Poll.

This is a screenshot of choosing poll block in the post

That will add a poll block in the post.

This is a screenshot of adding poll question in the post

Step 3: Customize the Poll Block

Next, you need to add a title, description, and poll questions to your poll block. Also, if you want you can customize the voting button as well. Write what you want.

This is a screenshot of adding poll question in the post

Moreover, you have the option to set padding, margin, border, and background color. Don’t forget to set what you want to show after

This is a screenshot of poll customisation

Step 4: Publish Your Poll and Wait for Results

Now, it is time to publish your poll questions and wait for the results.

This is a screenshot of Pollify poll published

You can see the results in the admin dashboard.

This is a screenshot of Pollify Admin dashboard

This is how you can easily create and publish poll questions on any page of the website using the Pollify poll maker plugin

Pollify Alternative: Crowdsignal

Other than Pollify, there are quite a few poll-making plugins on WordPress repository. Among them, Crowdsignal stands out.

crowdsignal review- key features

Crowdsignal is a SaaS version of PollDaddy WordPress plugin by Automattic designed for creating and managing surveys, polls, quizzes, and forms. It provides a user-friendly interface for users to gather feedback, conduct research, and engage their audience directly from their WordPress site.

With Crowdsignal, users can easily design their data collection tools, embed them into posts or pages, and analyze responses through comprehensive reporting features.

Features of Crowdsignal

  1. Customizable Design: Crowdsignal allows users to customize the appearance of surveys and polls to match their website’s theme, including fonts, colors, and layout options.
  2. Real-Time Results: Users can view responses in real-time, enabling them to track engagement and gather insights as they come in.
  3. Multiple Question Types: The plugin supports a variety of question types, including multiple-choice, open-ended, rating scales, and more, offering flexibility in data collection.
  4. Embedded Media: Users can embed images, videos, and audio clips within surveys and polls, making them more interactive and engaging.
  5. Export and Integration Options: Crowdsignal provides options to export data in various formats (e.g., CSV, Excel) and integrates with other platforms like Google Sheets and Mailchimp for seamless data management and communication.

Limitations or drawbacks of the Crowdsignal

There are some limitations of the Crowdsignal plugin. Including-

  1. Limited Free Version: The free version of Crowdsignal has restricted features like 2.5k vote limits for life, pushing them towards paid plans
  2. Customization Constraints: While customizable, there may be limitations in design flexibility compared to fully-fledged form builders or survey tools
  3. Response Limits: Higher response limits and advanced reporting features are available only in premium plans
  4. Integration Complexity: Integrating Crowdsignal with certain third-party applications or custom workflows can require additional technical knowledge or support
  5. Mobile Responsiveness: Although generally responsive, some users may experience issues with how certain surveys or polls render on mobile devices

If you want to read about more alternatives to Pollify you can read our guide on best WordPress poll plugins.

Start Engaging Users with Interactive Polls on WordPress Using Pollify Poll Maker Plugin

We are at the end of our article and hopefully now you know all about the Pollify poll maker plugin by wpRigel.

The plugin is new but has immense potential to become one of the best poll-maker plugins. Also, as it is Gutenberg-powered, users will find it easy to use.

100+ users actively using this Gutenberg block plugin in just a month of realizing it on the WordPress repository, more people choosing it as their best poll creator-online voting solution each day.

The plugin already has a handful of features that are needed to create and manage interactive polls with more exciting features coming soon. The team is working hard to bring advanced features and make it a full-fledged poll-making system all within Gutenberg!

If you have any questions or want to know more about the Pollify plugin, then don’t forget to leave a comment in the comment box.